The Web Tracking API allows for tracking of a pathway activity outside of your app. This option is perfect if your web activity is server-less, or if it is a single-purpose interactive experience. Examples of these could be web games, static websites, or stand-alone learning packages.
In a serverless scenario, the platform acts as theserver backbone which allows you to push and pull data for a user on a web activity without the need for server-side technologies (e.g database or server-side languages).
Examples of Serverless Web Activities
Web Game. You have built a web game that you would like to add as a pathway activity. You want users to complete the game / earn a certain score in order for the pathway activity to be considered complete/fulfilled.
Single Website Page OR Web App. You have developed an interactive experience and want users to complete certain actions
in order for the pathway activity to be considered complete/fulfilled.
E-Learning/Online Module. You have developed an e-learning module that is not hosted in a Learning Management System (LMS) and want users to complete the module in order for the pathway activity to be considered complete/fulfilled.
JavaScript Web Tracking
JavaScript SDK
The JavaScript SDK is JavaScript implementation of the existing endpoints for the web tracking API. For more complex integrations we recommend reviewing the curl push / pull endpoints provided in server-side platforms. These endpoints are used in the JavaScript SDK.
Initialize the SDK
Before making use of the pull and push method you will need to initialize the Javascript SDK with your Pathway publicKey. The initialization automatically consumes & handles the webToken query parameter provided in the URL; this means you do not need to do anything with the generated webToken.
The publicKey is provided when you add a Web Activity on Pathways
<script src="js/web-tracking.min.js"></script>
// Initialize WebTracking
const webTrackingClient = initWebTracking({
publicKey : `<Public API Key>`,
baseURL : `<Base API URL>`,
/* Optional if just tracking visit */
autoComplete: 1,
/* Optional if just testing a single web Token */
webToken : `<URL WebToken>`
autoComplete is only useful if you are simply wanting to complete the activity as the user visits the page.
The webToken will automatically looked for in the URL. If you are testing and using one token you can also manually provide this parameter in the initWebTracking method. See how Web Activity links work.
Pull Data
To pull data for the activity you need to use the pull method. This method will return a Promise and should be done in an asynchronous call. The pull method will contain previously pushed progression and data for the user on a specific activity.
* The function below pulls data from the platform. The response will
* contain progress, complete, result, data and user.
* progress (Float): The stored user's progress percentage 0 - 100.
* complete (Boolean): The stored user's completion state.
* result (String): A stored result string (max 48 characters).
* user (Object): Contains name, surname and icon.
* data (Object): A stored data result.
async function pullWebTrackingData(){
let response = await webTrackingClient.pull();
// Handle response
The pull method makes a CURL call as shown below
curl -X POST \
v1/webtracking/pull \
-H 'Public-API-Key: <Your Public API Key>' \
-d '{
"webToken" : "<webToken>"
Push Data
To push data to Falkor for the activity you need to use the "push" method. This method will return a Promise and can be used asynchronously. When you push data, it stores the information parsed.
The result parameter allows for storing a short message. This message is displayed on the user's Falkor app and creates an opportunity to display a summary of completion or progression to the user.
* The function below illustrates how to push data to the platform. The
* required paramaters are complete and progress. You can optionally
* set result and data.
* progress (Float): Store the user's progress percentage 0 - 100.
* complete (Int): Store the completion state 1 = true, 0 = false
* result (String): Store a string (max 48 characters).
* data (String): Store a valid json string.
async function pushWebTrackingData(){
let response = await webTrackingClient.push({
/* Required */
progress : 50,
complete : 0,
/* Optional */
message : 'A custom string',
data : JSON.stringify({
buttonPushes: 8
// Response returns the updated state
The push method makes a CURL call as shown below
curl -X POST \
v1/webtracking/push \
-H 'Public-API-Key: <Your Public API Key>' \
-d '{
"webToken": "<webToken>",
"progress": 50,
"completed": 0,
"message": "A custom string",
"data": "{\"buttonPushes\":8}"
Full Example: "Button Game"
Here is a simple example of using the Javascript Web Tracking API. Along a pathway, the users are presented with a Web Activity that requires them to push a button 10 times in order to complete/fulfil the activity.
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, height=device-height, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1" />
body,html{padding: 0; margin: 0; font-family: sans-serif; color:#fff}
.counter{background:rgba(0,0,0,0.2); width:180px; height:180px; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; color: #fff; border-radius: 50%; font-size: 100px; margin:0 auto}
.button{padding:15px; border-radius: 45px; background: rgba(0,0,0,0.2); color: #fff; text-align: center; margin:15px auto; max-width: 220px;}
.avatar-icon{position: fixed; top:15px; right: 15px; width:48px; height:48px; background:white; border-radius: 50%;}
<div class="avatar-icon"></div>
<div style="height: 100vh; display:flex; align-items:center; justify-content:center">
<div class="counter">0</div>
<div class="button">Push</div>
<p class="message" style="text-align: center;"> </p>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
// Initialize WebTracking
const webTrackingClient = initWebTracking({
publicKey : `<Public API Key>`,
baseURL : `<Base API URL>`
// Button counter default state
var counter = 0;
$('.button').click(_ => {
// Check if the counter has been pressed 10 times
let completed = counter >= 10 ? 1 : 0;
let message = completed ? `You pushed the button ${counter} times 🎉🎉🎉` : `You pushed the button ${counter} times`
// Call push to send data to Falkor
* The function below illustrates how to push data. The
* required paramaters are complete and progress. You can optionally
* set result and data.
* progress (Float): Store the user's progress percentage 0 - 100.
* complete (Int): Store the completion state 1 = true, 0 = false
* result (String): Store a string (max 48 characters).
* data (String): Store a valid json string.
async function pullDataWebTracking(){
// Pull data asynchronously
let response = await webTrackingClient.pull();
// Parse Previously Stored Data
let data = ( ? JSON.parse( : {})
// Set the counter to previously pushed
if (data.buttonPushes){
counter = data.buttonPushes;
// Set the users icon
$('.avatar-icon').html(`<img style="width:100%; height:auto; border-radius:50%" src="${response.user.icon}" />`);
// Update the UI with a message using their name and how many
// times they have currently pushed the button.
<h3>Push 10 times to complete</h3>
Welcome <strong>${response.user.firstname}</strong> you have pushed the button <span class="counter-text">${counter}</span> times
// Update counter elements
* The function below illustrates how to push data. The
* required paramaters are complete and progress. You can optionally
* set result and data.
* progress (Float): Store the user's progress percentage 0 - 100.
* complete (Int): Store the completion state 1 = true, 0 = false
* result (String): Store a string (max 48 characters).
* data (String): Store a valid json string.
async function pushWebTrackingData(counter,message,completed){
// Push new data
let response = await webTrackingClient.push({
progress : 100 * counter / 10,
complete : completed,
message : message,
data : JSON.stringify({
buttonPushes : counter,
lastPush : new Date().getUTCDate
// Response returns the updated state
if (response.status == 'success'){